Posts Tagged ‘closed countries’


After dark one evening, Nicodemus, a Jewish religious leader who was a Pharisee, came to speak with Jesus.” (John‬ ‭3‬:‭2‬ NLT)

Network211 is a project that uses Internet evangelism and connects responders with volunteers. In 2010, 1,131,423 people from 230 countries and territories viewed evangelism sites and 81,989 made an evangelism response. Currently, 28,646 continue to interact with Network211 in a discipleship connection!

What makes this group’s accomplishments so amazing is that it’s greatest generating of interest is in Asia and Africa, in the predominantly Muslim nations where Christianity is a crime. While these may not attend a Christian service, they are like modern-day Nicodemuses, coming to Jesus under a protective cover and accepting His extended offer of salvation.

Take time to pray for those that are looking for life but live under a cloud of fear. Ask God to help them find their way to the Christ Life, where a bold love awaits them! Who knows, you might be a Network211 connection to someone near you today! You are loved! Share it!