Posts Tagged ‘universe’


“The sun has one kind of glory, while the moon and stars each have another kind…differing from each other in their glory.” (1 Corinthians‬ ‭15‬:‭41‬ NLT)

According to Fox News, NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft made its historic flyby of Pluto early Wednesday after travelling 3 billion miles on its epic 9 and a half year journey to the dwarf PLANET (sorry, bitter nerd emphasis). It has passed within 7,767 miles of Pluto, roughly the distance between Sydney and Seattle. Earlier images had allowed scientists to identify a pattern of terrain on Pluto’s surface, and all data should be home by October 2016.

Astronomy is fascinating to me! To watch and observe these celestial bodies and gatherings makes me in awe of just how large and complex our universe and beyond really is. And that always gives me a pause, realizing that my Creating God is that much larger than all of creation, than my little, petty problems. 

We live in the presence of such universal and heavenly glory, and it bears remembering! Scholars and laymen alike try to push away its reality because of the mysterious unknown and lack of “empirical evidence” surrounding creation. But faith in God, born out of experience and tried by fire, will never be held hostage by another’s argument! Take time to look at Pluto today and remember what an awe-inspiring God you serve! You are loved! 

Lift up your eyes and look to the heavens: Who created all these?” (Isaiah 40:26 NIV)

According to, the Hubble space telescope has seen some strange things in deep space, but this most recent find is possibly one of the strangest: the six-tailed comet… or is it an asteroid? The object — called P/2013 P5 — was discovered in August by the Pan-STARRS 1 telescope in Hawaii, an observation that baffled astronomers, due to the fact that they’ve never seen this phenomenon before.

The galaxy is full of astounding things, too complex to have been an accident. It’s not so hard to see that the Creator of the incredible human body also created the starry host above us. It’s only because our minds cannot handle the immensity of Life and is left with more questions than answers that we find solitude in Chance, because we’d rather sweep things under the rug than deal with complexities beyond our control.

So here’s some good news: We’ve never been in control! God has! Allow the Keeper of the Stars & Humanity the credit to continue doing a great job while we do ours, and that’s to live a life in love and fascination with Him! And one day, maybe soon, He’ll take each one of us home and show us exactly what’s out there! You are loved! Have a great weekend!
